I’m currently participating in a training course for IB educators to become officially recognised IB Workshop Leaders. Learning with and from passionate, knowledgeable and driven educators, with diverse backgrounds and experiences, is proving to be engaging and exciting. I’m enjoying the challenge of being pushed to think about learning in a different context.

I notice again and again, that the issues discussed, the tips the leaders offer, the problems we grapple with and the strategies shared all apply just as much in teaching and learning at school as they do in running adult workshops.

We reflect individually on the conditions that support and hinder our own learning, and then share in groups. There’s much commonality… and difference, of course, and the leaders point out that all these are considerations to bear in mind when running workshops for other adults.

These are some of the factors that come up in the conversation:

(Notice anything?)

As adult learners, we value…
  • Opportunities to interact with other learners.

  • A sense of learning something new.

  • Enough time to talk, reflect and construct meaning.

  • An interesting presenter, aware of participants’ needs.

  • Engaging and provocative issues to grapple with.

  • A range of perspectives.

  • A clear purpose.

  • A variety of presentation styles.

  • A safe environment in which to try out our ideas.

As adult learners, we don’t enjoy…
  • Being passive while a presenter lectures.

  • PowerPoints with too many words.

  • Lack of internet access.

  • An overcrowded agenda.

  • Physical needs not being met

  • Not enough time to reflect and internalise.

  • Lack of support and follow-up.

We’re asked to examine a list of the characteristics of adult learners and consider the implications that these have for us as workshop leaders. It’s true we need to be aware that adults have accumulated a (longer) lifetime of knowledge and experiences that might affect our learning. Adults might come to the new learning with more preconceived ideas, stronger opinions and possibly a resistance to change. But as I work my way through the list, I’m struck again by the fact that learning is learning and there is not much difference between the way adults learn and the way children do. Before I’m criticised (yet again!) for my tendency to oversimplify, let me clarify that I am not comparing the natural curiosity and exploration of toddlers to adults studying for a PhD. (Or am I?) I’m sharing my beliefs about the ways learning works.

As an educator who thinks deeply about learning, I have spent a great deal of time over the years considering almost all the things on this list in the context of student learning. How much will I need to adjust my practice when working with adults?

These are my school’s articulated learning principles: (If you read this blog regularly, you’ll have seen these beliefs referred to repeatedly!)

Everyone has the potential to learn.
  • We learn in different ways, depending on abilities, learning styles, preferences and interests.

  • Learning takes place through inquiry: questioning, exploring, experimenting and problem solving.

  • Learning occurs by acquiring skills and knowledge, constructing meaning and transfer to other contexts.

  • Learning is active and social and best takes place through collaboration and interaction.

  • Learning takes place when we feel secure, valued and are able to take risks.

  • Learning needs to be challenging, meaningful, purposeful and engaging.

  • Learning includes meta-cognition and reflection, and requires learners to take ownership of their learning.

It seems to me that if I bear these in mind, as I always need to do in learning situations, facilitating adult workshops will not be all that different from teaching in a classroom.
