Today there are many ways to learn a foreign language quickly. Here are the most effective ones.

Language environment

The easiest and fastest way to learn a foreign language is to learn it in its natural environment. Everyday situational communication in a foreign language in all spheres of life is a guarantee that within a year you’ll be fluent in spoken language. So use every opportunity to go abroad at least for a little time on study or across multiple programs of experience exchange.

Theoretical advice

Today the most common way of learning a foreign language is to follow language courses or take individual lessons with a private tutor. Which method is more convenient and effective?
  • On the one hand, private lessons are better because a teacher’s time and attention is fully dedicated to you without any distraction to other students. It allows to quickly determine your level of knowledge and to select the best possible individual program for quick and effective language learning.

  • On the other hand, group lessons provide an opportunity of role-playing games so it makes you begin to communicate in foreign language, breakingthe psychological barrier.

First of all, you need to decide on how much time you will be able to dedicate to language learning. It’s a shame to drop your lessons in the middle when after a few months your enthusiasm will dry up because you will get tired of rushing across the city three times a week after work…

Intensive learning

Before getting signed up to take language courses, all students must pass a test to determine their level of language proficiency. Ask to sign up to a higher level, even your knowledge is clearly not enough.

The intensity of language learning plays a very important role in its effectiveness. You will have to quickly raise your level, and experts say that it’s much more effective to take an intensive language course than to follow lessons for several years at a more relaxed pace.


If you set a goal to learn a foreign language, you will have to exert maximum effort for it. Try not to miss classes or lessons with your tutor, do your homework in time and do additional exercises and tasks.

Additional study loads

Even if you make tremendous strides in learning a foreign language never neglect an opportunity to improve your knowledge. Especially in case of language learning the more practice you have the better results you can achieve.
  • Read books in foreign language, even if at first you will understand only a half – just go on.

  • Communicate with native speakers using social networks and special sites for language exchange where people from different countries share knowledge of their native languages.

  • Read foreign news sites, watch TV shows and movies without translation or with subtitles. It will help you better perceive the language by ear.

Practical tips

In order to learn a foreign language you have to actively expand your vocabulary, which means to daily memorize a large number of new words.
  • Write foreign words on stickers and put them on monitor, refrigerator or bathroom mirror – in those places where you spend the most time.

  • Install a translation software on your mobile phone and use it every time when you meet an unfamiliar foreign word.

  • Speak and think in foreign language, describing your actions and what you see on the streets or outside.

  • Regularly glance over a frequency dictionary in which the words are situated by the frequency of their use in language. Experts claim that in order to understand foreign speech and text it’s enough to know the first thousand of the most used words.

And the last one. Before you start learning a foreign language understand that it’s not a goal but a means which will help you to realize your plans in future.